HMI Filmstrip

The HMI Filmstrip web page element is used to record, play back and save job information while the job is Online. Depending on the configured values of the Filmstrip Settings dialog, the HMI Filmstrip may be populated with all acquisitions, or only with results that are considered either passed or failed. The Filmstrip appears as follows when inserted into a WebPage:

By default, when the job is set Online, the HMI Filmstrip is in a Live state, indicating with a set of Passed/Failed marker graphics if the recorded acquisition has passed or failed, as shown below (you can change the default graphics style with the Marker Style property in the Properties window). In this state, the contents of other web page elements are updated real-time, and user input elements remain usable.

However, clicking the (Freeze) button, clicking anywhere on the colored status bar, or calling the Freeze click command or $ function sets the HMI Filmstrip and the entire web page in a Frozen state. When the HMI Filmstrip is Frozen, it displays the thumbnails of all recorded acquisitions, and provides access to all their data recorded during said acquisitions.


If a recorded acquisition is selected in Frozen mode by clicking its thumbnail on the HMI Filmstrip, the rest of the web page elements on the web page will show the data they contained at the time of the selected acquisition.

Also, any web page control element with its Disable When Frozen property enabled will be grayed out and unusable.

Navigating among the acquired images in the Filmstrip also results in the other web page elements updated to show the data corresponding to the selected frame, allowing you to check not just the acquired image, but also all job data exposed in published tags

  • The number of frames shown on the HMI Filmstrip depend on the image buffer size of the vision system.
  • Setting the HMI Filmstrip (and the web page) to Frozen does not pause the job. It only stops the live update of the Filmstrip and the web page, allowing you to check the data of the recorded acquisitions until you click the (Play) button of the Filmstrip (or call the Continue click command or $ function) to re-enable live web page updates. The job remains Online in the background, and continues processing with no interruption.