
Returns the contents of a specified symbolic tag, such as an EasyBuilder fixture output, EasyBuilder Location or Inspection Tool result or Spreadsheet cell, in XML format.

Note: If a job is being built and configured in a language other than English and the Use English Symbolic Tags for EasyBuilder option is enabled (checked) in the Options Dialog, User Interface panel, any symbolic tags references that were created prior to enabling the option must be updated to the English name version.


Syntax: EV GetCellValue("Symbolic Tag")

Parameter Description
"Symbolic Tag"

The name of the symbolic tag, such as a Location or Inspection Tool result ("Distance_1.Distance", for example) or the cell reference (A4, for example). For the automatically generated EasyBuilder fixture output data, the name must be either "Job.Robot.FormatString" or "Job.FormatString", depending upon the selected Device and Protocol selected in the Communications Application Step. The name must be enclosed in quotation marks.

GetCellValue Outputs

Returns a status code, followed by the number of characters, and the contents of the cell (an integer, floating point value, or text string). The status codes are:

Status Codes Description
1 The command was executed successfully.
0 Unrecognized command.
-2 The command could not be executed.
-6 User does not have Full Access to execute the command. For more information, see User Access Settings Dialog.

EasyBuilder Examples

To retrieve fixture data for vision guided robotics applications, or the result of a Location or Inspection Tool:

Fixture Example for Vision Guided Robotics Applications

There are two possible commands to issue, depending upon the selected Device and Protocol in the Communication step: EV GetCellValue("Job.Robot.FormatString") and EV GetCellValue("Job.FormatString").

EV GetCellValue("Job.Robot.FormatString") should be used in the following situations:

  • The Device selection is Robot.
  • The Device selection is Other, and the Protocol selected is either Serial Kuka or Serial Motoman.

 EV GetCellValue("Job.FormatString") should be used in the following situations:

  • The Device selection is Other, and the Protocol selected is Ethernet Native, Serial Native, Serial Text or TCP/IP.

EV GetCellValue("Job.Robot.FormatString") 

Issuing this command produces the following result:

The In-Sight sensor returns 1 to indicate that the command was executed successfully. The number of characters (in bytes) is followed by the value in the cell (integer, floating point, or text string).

EV GetCellValue("Job.FormatString")

Issuing this command produces the following result:

The In-Sight sensor returns 1 to indicate that the command was executed successfully. The number of characters (in bytes) is followed by the value in the cell (integer, floating point, or text string).

Location or Inspection Tool Result Example 

The following example illustrates issuing a command to retrieve the result of a Distance Measurement Tool:

EV GetCellValue("Distance_1.Distance")

Issuing this command produces the following result:

The In-Sight sensor returns 1 to indicate that the command was executed successfully. The number of characters (in bytes) is followed by the value in the cell (integer, floating point, or text string).