Trigger Controls

The Trigger controls, Trigger, Trigger Delay and Trigger Interval, allow you to customize how and when an image is acquired.

  • Trigger: Defines the source of the image acquisition trigger when the vision system is Online.

    • Camera (default): Enables image acquisition on a rising edge sensed at the vision system's dedicated acquisition trigger input.
    • Continuous: Enables "free running" (as fast as possible) image acquisitions.
    • External: Enables image acquisition on either a serial command or on the rising edge applied to a discrete input bit configured as an Acquisition Trigger.

      • Faster trigger rates can be achieved by using the vision system's built-in acquisition trigger input (by setting the Trigger to Camera) versus triggering the vision system with a general-purpose input line configured as an Acquisition Trigger (by setting the Trigger to External).
      • If the Trigger parameter is set to External and an acquisition is missed, the ERR: Missed Acquisition output will not be sent from the vision system; the ERR: Missed Acquisition signal is only supported when the Trigger parameter is set to Camera.
    • Manual: Enables image acquisition when pressing F5.
    • Industrial Ethernet: Enables triggering from an Industrial Ethernet protocol, such as EtherNet/IP, POWERLINK, Profinet, SLMP Scanner or CC-Link IE Field Basic.
    • Timestamp: Enables image acquisition when a timestamp trigger is sent to the vision system from a PLC over EtherNet/IP. The Timestamp option is only supported with the following vision systems:
      • In-Sight 5000 series vision systems with 128MB non-volatile flash memory and running firmware version 4.5.0 or later

        Note: The In-Sight 5605 vision system (Hardware Type 821-0032-1R), In-Sight 5705 vision system and In-Sight 5705C vision systems are not supported.
      • In-Sight 7000 Gen2 series vision systems
      • In-Sight 9000 series vision systems

  • Trigger Delay: Specifies a delay, in milliseconds (0 to 10,000), between the time the trigger is received and the time the vision system begins the acquisition.

    • The Trigger control must be set to either Camera or Network to enable this functionality.
    • The delay is accurate to the requested millisecond, plus or minus the maximum line exposure time.
    • If Acquisition Start or Strobe is the specified Signal Type in the Inputs/Outputs step, these outputs will be delayed by the specified time.

  • Trigger Interval: Specify an interval, in milliseconds (0 to 10,000; default is 500), between acquisitions when the Trigger control is set to Continuous.

    Note: This delay is dependent on the amount of time the job takes to complete processing the image. For example, if the Delay parameter is set to 5,000 milliseconds, the vision system acquires an image every 5,000 milliseconds, provided the job completes its image processing within 5,000 milliseconds. If not, the In-Sight vision system acquires an image as soon as it completes processing the image.