White Balance (In-Sight Color Vision Systems only)

Note: This topic describes the white balance feature when connected to an In-Sight color vision system. If connected to an In-Sight 2000 series color vision sensor, refer to the White Balance section of Image Settings.

Available for color In-Sight vision systems and color-enabled emulators only, the White Balance button removes color casts in a color image by calculating the image's red, green and blue (RGB) values and correcting them according to color tables stored in the In-Sight job. As a result, items that are white in the real world, for example, will appear white in the image.

Image Before White Balancing White Balanced Image After White Balancing

You create the color tables by acquiring an image of a "neutral" reference (that is, one that has equal RGB values; for example, 18-18-18), while ensuring that the image does not approach saturation (255-255-255). After pressing the White Balance button, EasyBuilder generates a histogram of each color channel (red, green and blue) and "equalizes" the color values by considering the highest value as the baseline and dividing it by each color value to produce scale factors, which are then used to create the color tables (for example, an RGB of 200-100-50 will yield scale factors of 1-2-4).

The color tables for the current vision system settings are saved in the job file. To ensure that the proper White Balance information is applied, load the job before loading or acquiring an image.

To use the White Balance functionality:

  1. Focus the In-Sight sensor on a flat test object, such as a piece of white paper with black type, and set the Target Image Brightness accordingly.

    Note: The White Balance Region button is used to specify the region that will be used to calculate the white balance of the image. Press the White Balance Region button to specify the region.
  2. In place of the flat text object, insert another object, such as a blank piece of white paper. The second object should fit in the field of view in the same way as the original object.
  3. Press the White Balance button.

  4. EasyBuilder will now store these settings to the job file, and all subsequent image acquisitions will use this color balance setting.

    Note: For the In-Sight color vision systems, the White Balance setting is stored in the job file, and not on the In-Sight vision system. When creating a new job, you will need to repeat these steps to apply the White Balance settings for that job file. EasyBuilder does not allow the White Balance settings to persist on the vision system.