Location Tools - Blob and Blobs (1-10)

The Blob Location Tool and the Blobs (1-10) Location Tool locate blob features that fall within the specified parameters. The tool reports the X,Y coordinates of the centroid of the found blob, as well as the angle of the blob’s centroid. The Blob tool is used to locate a single blob, while the Blobs (1-10) tool is used to locate up to 10 blobs matching the inspection criteria.

Note: The tool returns the results in pixels, unless the image was calibrated to real-world units (In-Sight vision systems) or Field of View (Width) was set to real-world units (In-Sight 2000 series vision sensors) in the Set Up Image application step.

The Blob and Blobs (1-10) Location Tool's performance is in between that of the Edge/Circle tools and the Patterns tools, with the ability to locate blob features quicker than a Patterns Location Tool, but generally requiring more time to execute than the Edge or Circle tools. For example, these tools are useful as fixtures for other vision tools when you are attempting to anchor your inspection to an unclassifiable shape, such as a splotch of black paint on a white background, or the shape changes beyond the limits of the Patterns tools.