Location Tools - Compute Fixture

The Compute Fixture Location Tool is used to calculate a fixture location based on mathematical expressions related to the outputs of other Location and/or Inspection Tools. The tool reports the X, Y coordinates and angle of the computed fixture.

    The tool returns the results in pixels, unless the image was calibrated to real-world units (In-Sight vision systems) or Field of View (Width) was set to real-world units (In-Sight 2000 series vision sensors) in the Set Up Image application step.
  • If this tool is used in conjunction with Grid Calibration, inaccurate results may be generated if the angle value in the calibration changes. In these circumstances, Edge to Edge, Circular or an imported calibration may be used instead.

The Compute Fixture Location Tool is useful in situations where you want to utilize specific points, lines or angle data generated by Location and/or Inspection Tools to calculate a fixture; for example, if you wanted to construct a fixture based on two edges, their intersection point and resulting bisection angle. In this scenario, two Edge Presence/Absence Tools could be used to define the edges, and a Bisect Angle Geometry Tool defines the X, Y and Angle values. The Compute Fixture Location Tool then uses the Bisect Angle Geometry Tool output data as inputs for the X (Bisect_1.Point.X), Y (Bisect_1.Point.Y) and Angle (Bisect_1.Angle) Expressions.