
Returns the EasyBuilder Tag for the specified symbolic tag name or cell location. For more information, see EasyBuilder Tags and Tag Labels.

GetEasyBuilderTag Inputs

Syntax: EV GetEasyBuilderTag("Name")

Parameter Description
"Name" The name of the symbolic tag or the cell location. When the input is a symbolic tag, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. When the input is a cell location, quotation marks are optional.

GetEasyBuilderTag Outputs

Returns a status code, followed by the EasyBulder Tag name. The status codes are:

Status Codes Description
1 The command was executed successfully.
0 Unrecognized command.
-2 The command could not be executed.

Symbolic Tag Name Example

To return the EasyBuilder Tag associated with the Acquistion.Frames_Per_Second symbolic tag, issue the following command: EV GetEasyBuilderTag("Acquisition.Frames_Per_Second")

The In-Sight sensor returns 1 to indicate that the command was executed successfully and the number of characters in bytes (34). Finally, the results are returned in XML format.

Cell Location Example

To return the EasyBuilder Tag for cell F7, issue the following command: EV GetEasyBuilderTag(F7)

The In-Sight sensor returns 1 to indicate that the command was executed successfully and the number of characters in bytes (34). Finally, the results are returned in XML format.