File Utilities Panel

  • Explorer FTP Port: Defines the network port that In-Sight Explorer attempts to connect to remote vision systems for file saving and opening. The vision system must have the Local Port in the FTP Settings dialog configured to the same value as the Explorer FTP Port for In-Sight Explorer to perform file operations (such as Backup, Restore, Firmware Update) and to view files in the In-Sight Files pane (1 to 65535; default = 21). For more information, see FTP Settings Dialog.
  • Backup Directory: Defines the folder on the local PC that In-Sight Explorer stores backups of In-Sight vision systems or emulators. The default location is: C:\ProgramData\Cognex\In-Sight\In-Sight Explorer x.x.x.

  • Allow Online Backups: When checked, In-Sight Explorer allows you to back up vision systems when Online. When unchecked, Online vision systems may not be backed up. You are prompted with a dialog to place the vision system Offline before proceeding with the backup operation. For more information, see Online/Offline.
  • Enable Passive FTP: When checked, the In-Sight Explorer allows you to save and load files using passive FTP mode. This option is useful when you need to access an FTP client through a firewall that does not allow connections to be initiated from the outside. By default, this option is enabled.