Configure Discrete I/O Lines

Use the Discrete I/O Settings dialog to configure the available I/O lines of the vision system as described below.

  1. From the Tools Menu of the Menu Bar, click Discrete I/O Settings.

    The Discrete I/O settings dialog then appears.

  2. Select an input or output line to configure. For more information, see the In-Sight D900 Series I/O Lines topic.

    Note: TRIGGER is reserved for acquisition trigger input and cannot be configured.
  3. If the line supports a bi-directional I/O, select Input or Output from the Direction drop-down.

    Note: The In-Sight D900 series vision system supports bi-directional high-speed outputs and general-purpose inputs for HSOUT 2 / IN 2 and HSOUT 3 / IN 3. These lines are configured as outputs by default.
  4. Customize the default line name if you wish by entering a new one in the Name cell.

    • Renaming a line does not change its functionality.
    • The line name cannot be referenced.
  5. Choose a Signal Type for the selected input line. You can configure each input line for one of the following functions:

    Input Signal Type Description



    Enables a ReadDiscrete function in the spreadsheet to control the state of this input line.
    Event Triggers an event. To update the spreadsheet, the spreadsheet must contain an Event structure with its Trigger parameter set to this discrete input line number.
    Online Forces the In-Sight vision system Online or Offline. This input type may not be used on more than one input line simultaneously.
  6. Click the Details button for the selected input line, if detailed settings are available for the specified Input Signal Type. For more information, see Configure Discrete Input Details.

  7. Choose a Signal Type for the selected output line. You can configure each input line for one of the following functions:

    Output Signal Type Description



    Enables a WriteDiscrete function in the spreadsheet to control the state of the output line.
    High Forces the output to HIGH (1).
    Low Forces the output to LOW (0).
    Acquisition Start Signals the vision system has initiated an acquisition.
    Acquisition End Signals the completion of vision system acquisition.
    Acquisition Missed

    Signals that an acquisition trigger was received before an Acquisition End signal was sent, or that no image buffer was available for image acquisition when an acquisition trigger was received.

    Note: The Trigger Mode parameter in the AcquireImage property sheet must be set to Camera to use the Acquisition Missed output.

    The rising or falling edge of the signal can be used to trigger a strobe.

    Note: The In-Sight D900 series vision systems only support the Strobe signal type on the HSOUT 1 line.
    Rising Edge
    • NPN Configuration: If the Strobe/Light Control Trigger in the Output Details dialog is set to Rising Edge, the signal is HIGH when the image sensor is being exposed, otherwise the signal is LOW. Always pulsed for the duration of the exposure.
    • PNP Configuration: If the Strobe/Light Control Trigger in the Output Details dialog is set to Rising Edge, the signal is LOW when the image sensor is being exposed, otherwise the signal is HIGH. Always pulsed for the duration of the exposure.
    Falling Edge
    • NPN Configuration: If the Strobe/Light Control Trigger is set to Falling Edge, the signal is LOW when the image sensor is being exposed, otherwise the signal is HIGH. Always pulsed for the duration of the exposure.
    • PNP Configuration: If the Strobe/Light Control Trigger is set to Falling Edge, the signal is HIGH when the image sensor is being exposed, otherwise the signal is LOW. Always pulsed for the duration of the exposure.
    Job Completed Signals each time the spreadsheet has completed an update.
    Online Signals when the vision system goes Online or Offline. The signal is HIGH (1) when the vision system is Online, and LOW (0) when it is Offline.
    Busy Signals when the vision system is working or idle. The signal is HIGH (1) when the vision system is running a job or responding to user input, and LOW (0) when it is idle.
    Job Load OK Signals that the job loaded successfully.
    Job Load Fail Signals the failure of a job load.
  8. Click the Details button for the selected output line to configure additional settings, if detailed settings are available for the specified output Type. For more information, see the Configure Discrete Output Details topic.
  9. Optionally, specify the Debounce Duration time for all input lines in microseconds (0 - 1000000, default = 50). This setting delays the recognition of a valid input signal by the amount of time specified.

    Note: The Debounce Duration time specified in the Configure Discrete I/O Lines dialog doesn’t apply to the TRIGGER line. To configure the Debounce Duration time for the TRIGGER line, use the AcquireImage function. For more information, see AcquireImage.
  10. Optionally, check the De-Energize Outputs While Paused option to de-energize the output lines when the vision system is placed Offline.

    • When the vision system is Online, output lines are activated by their configured signal types, regardless of whether the De-Energize Outputs While Paused setting is enabled or disabled.

    • When the vision system is Online, but in the Paused state, the De-Energize Outputs While Paused setting behaves as follows:

      • When the setting is disabled, the Outputs are activated by their configured signal type.
      • When the setting is enabled, the Outputs are always inactive.
    • If the De-Energize Outputs While Paused option is enabled, and you place the vision system Online, then:
      • Output lines configured with the Discrete I/O Settings dialog will be restored.
      • Output lines configured with the WriteDiscrete function will not be restored, as these lines require the function's specified Event to occur for restoration.
  11. Click OK to accept the changes (changes are saved to flash memory), or click Cancel to discard them.