Image Filter Tools and Color Tools - Tool Image

The Image Filter Tools (Filter, Neighbor, Point, Scene Correction, Color to Greyscale, Color to Binary, Transform and Compare) and color tools (Color Blob and Color Blobs (1-10) Location Tools, Color Pixel Count and Color Blob Presence/Absence Tools, Color Blob Area and Color Blob Areas (1-10) Measurement Tools, Color Blobs Counting Tool, Color Model Identification Tool or Color to Binary Image Filter Tool) output an image that may be used as the Tool Image input of Location and Inspection Tools.

The Tool Image setting is located in the General tab of all tools that accept an image other than the acquisition image after a tool that outputs a Tool Image has been added to the job, or as a drop-down menu option in the Directions settings pane when adding a tool after a tool that outputs a Tool Image has been added.

When a Location or Inspection Tool's Tool Image parameter is set to a tool that outputs a Tool Image (an Image Filter Tool may use another Image Filter Tool as an input, as well), those tools perform their inspection using the filtered image, and their regions must always stay within the boundaries of the tool outputting the Tool Image region.

To set a tool's Tool Image parameter to an Image Filter Tool, first add an Image Filter Tool, and then go back to the previous tool's General tab, and set the Tool Image parameter to the newly added Image Filter Tool.

Note: After an Image Filter Tool or color tool that outputs a Tool Image has been added to a job, each time a new tool is added that supports the use of an image other than the acquisition image, you will be prompted to set the input image of the tool in the Directions group box in the settings pane. The default selection is the currently acquired, unfiltered image.