Image Filter Tools - Transform

The Transform Image Filter Tool filters linear, non-linear and/or lens distortion from a region of the image and applies the transformation between real-world units and pixels calibrated by Grid Calibration in the Set Up Image step; outputs a Tool Image that can be referenced by other Location and Inspection Tools.

The Transform Image Filter Tool works in conjunction with Grid Calibration in the Set Up Image step to compensate and correct optical distortions and return highly accurate measurements, and to convert pixel units into real-world measurement units, such as millimeters or inches. This tool and Grid Calibration enable you to more accurately locate objects at the edges of images, and provide greater mounting flexibility, including the ability to mount the In-Sight vision system up to 45° from the inspection surface.

  1. Setting Up the Transform Image Filter Tool
  2. Adjusting the Transform Image Filter Tool Parameters
  3. Using the Transform Image Filter Tool Input/Output Properties