Configuration Editor Menu Bar

The Configuration Editor menu bar includes the following selections:

  • File > Save and Exit: Saves all changes made to the configuration and exits the Configuration Editor.
  • File > Clear Configuration: Removes all sensors and tags from the configuration. Note that tags are not removed from the sensors, only from the OPC configuration.
  • File > Import: Loads an OPC configuration that has been saved previously.
  • File > Export: Saves the current OPC configuration to a file on the PC.
  • File > Exit: Closes the Configuration Editor.
  • Sensors > Show Only Configured: Toggles between showing the following in the network tree of the Available Sensors pane:
    • Only configured sensors
    • All detected and manually added sensors
  • Sensors > Refresh: Scans the network and repopulates the Available Sensors pane with a current list of detected sensors.
  • Sensors > Add: If the root tree node ("Configured Sensors" or "All Sensors") of the Available Sensors tree is selected, this menu item will open the Sensor Configuration Editor to add a new sensor to the configuration. If a sensor or emulator is selected, this menu item will add the selected sensor or emulator to the configuration.
  • Sensors > Edit: Opens the Sensor Configuration Editor, which allows you to view or change the User Name, Password, network connection details or the OPC name of the sensor.
  • Sensors > Remove: Removes the selected sensor or emulator from the configuration. If the selected sensor does not exist in the configuration (or if no sensor is selected), this item will be shaded and not available.
  • Available Tags > Add Job Tags: Places all Job Tags from the selected sensor into the Configured Tags list.
  • Available Tags > Add All: Places all tags (both Sensor Tags and Job Tags) from the selected sensor into the Configured Tags list.
  • Available Tags > Add Selected: Places each selected tag from the Available Tags pane into the Configured Tags list.
  • Configured Tags > New: Adds a new tag to the configuration.
  • Configured Tags > Edit: Allows you to modify the Name, Access Level or Data Type of the tag selected in the Configured Tags pane.
  • Configured Tags > Remove: Removes the selected tag(s) from the configuration.
  • Configured Tags > Copy: Copies the selected tag(s) from the Configured Tags pane.
  • Configured Tags > Paste: Pastes the copied tag(s) to the selected sensor.
  • Configured Tags > Select All: Highlights all Configured Tags in the Configured Tags pane.
  • Options > Default Logon: Establishes a User Name and Password to use by default when adding sensors to the configuration. This value can be overridden for one or more sensors by double-clicking a configured sensor in the Available Sensors pane and changing the User Name or Password to a different value.
  • Options > Password Protection: When set, a password is required to either shut down the server or make configuration changes.
  • Options > Run OPC Server on Startup: When this option is selected, the In-Sight OPC Service will start when the computer is booted.
  • Options > Show Service Monitor on Startup: When this option is selected, the In-Sight OPC Service Monitor will load and appear as a system tray icon when a user logs on to the PC.
  • Options > Language: Sets the user interface language.
  • Help > About: Displays the version of the server and a copyright statement.