Setting Up the Sequential N Point Calibration Tool

Tip: After constructing the calibration, it is recommended that you save the job file. For subsequent calibrations, you can simply load the calibration job, acquire the image and then auto export the updated calibration file to all of the jobs that reference this calibration file.

Once the tool has been added, you will need to define the input feature (point, the origin of a fixture or the center of a circular feature) that will be used to construct the calibration:

  1. After adding the tool, EasyBuilder will examine your image and give you a selection of Smart Features (points, the origins of fixtures or the center of circular features) that it has automatically detected (highlighted in cyan), as well as any features that you have previously defined with another tool (highlighted in green). EasyBuilder will automatically insert a Circle Presence/Absence Tool for any circular features that were not previously defined.
  2. Select one of the features from the available features by clicking on it, at which point its color will change to magenta.
  3. After selecting your desired feature, press the OK button (press the Cancel button to not add the tool to the job).
  4. From the Settings tab, define the Number of Points parameter by specifying how many points/acquisitions will define the calibration.
  5. Move the robot controller to the next location and acquire an image of the point in its new location. Continue this process until all of the points have been acquired.
  6. Once the points have been successfully added, you will need to define the real-world measurement values for the points. In the Points Table, select a point and then enter its associated real-world measurement values in the World X and World Y fields by either manually entering the number or incrementing/decrementing the controls.
  7. Press the Export button in the Settings tab to place the calibration file in the In-Sight vision system's local file system. This also enables the calibration to be selected as an Import option in the Calibration Type setting of the Set Up Image step.
  8. With the tool initially configured, load several images and adjust the tool's parameters, as needed, to compensate for your expected ranges of variations.
  9. Finally, if desired, use the tool's Input/Output properties to share tool data between other tools and/or other external devices.