ViDi Sub Task Block Properties

When you click on an individual ViDi Sub Task Block in a Task, the following Properties are available:

  Property Description


Defines the name of the ViDi Sub Task, which will be displayed in the Task, and also defines the Tag name of the block within the Designer IDE. The name must composed of alphanumeric characters, and cannot start with a number or contain spaces.

Deep Learning

GPU List

Defines which GPU to use with the ViDi Sub Task block. By default, All is selected.


Defines how the ViDi Sub Task block will process images. There are three options:

  • Run (default setting): Directly process the image.
  • Record: Add the image to the associated Database and process the image.
  • Acquire: Add the image to the associated Database, but do not process the image.

Runtime Device

Specifies the PC on which the runtime application will be performed. By default, this is the PC that has the installed versions of VisionPro, Designer and ViDi applications.

  • Cognex recommends using the default setting, as the connection to remote devices is not currently supported.
  • The VisionPro, Designer and ViDi software require that a valid Cognex Security Dongle be installed directly to PCs running the software during all phases of operation (programming, processing, training, testing, etc.). Any attempts to temporarily remove, substitute, or share a Cognex Security Dongle may cause your system to operate incorrectly, and may result in the loss of data.

Training Device

Specifies the PC on which the training of the ViDi tool will be performed. By default, this is the PC that has the installed versions of VisionPro, Designer and ViDi applications.

  • Cognex recommends using the default setting, as the connection to remote devices is not currently supported.
  • The VisionPro, Designer and ViDi software require that a valid Cognex Security Dongle be installed directly to PCs running the software during all phases of operation (programming, processing, training, testing, etc.). Any attempts to temporarily remove, substitute, or share a Cognex Security Dongle may cause your system to operate incorrectly, and may result in the loss of data.


Deploy Training Workspace

Defines whether or not the training workspace associated with the ViDi Sub Task block can be retrained from a Page HMI, using the ViDi Tool Editor.

  • Set this parameter to True if you have a training license for the deployment system. When set to True, this also automatically exports the Runtime Workspace to the Deployment folder.
  • Set this parameter to False if you only have a runtime license for the deployment system.
  • For more information about the training and runtime license types, refer to the Cognex ViDi Licenses topic.
  • If you have multiple ViDi Suite Sub Task blocks in your project, and you only have a runtime license for your deployed application, each ViDi Suite Sub Task block must have the Deploy Training Workspace parameter set to False. If one of the ViDi Suite Sub Task block's Deploy Training Workspace parameter is set to True, the deployed application will attempt to create the components for a train license, and then fail when that license type is not available.


On Complete

The On Complete script point is used to notify of the ViDi Sub Task's execution. The On Complete script will be executed when the associated Sub Task has finished its execution, even if an error occurred within the Sub Task. If an error occurs, and an On Error script is being used, the On Error script will be executed before the On Complete script.

The On Complete script can be used to update a Tag that stores statistical information about a project's ViDi Sub Task execution, or to start a separate Task, which is dependent on the completion of the associated ViDi Sub Task, for example.

On Error

The Task On Error script point is used to indicate the presence of an error within the ViDi Sub Task, and is executed in the event any of the Task Blocks within the ViDi Sub Task returns an error status.

When an error is encountered, sequence execution of Task Blocks stops and any blocks to the right of the block that is in an error state will not run. At this point, the On Error script will execute and can be used in a number of applications, including continuing sequence execution by a return value of true.

Streams Selection


Defines Streams for the ViDi Sub Task block. This can be used to select the active stream for the block, or add, remove or rename a stream.

Training Images


Opens the Database Editor associated with the ViDi Sub Task.