Device Setup

To communicate data to and from other devices, such as a robot or PLC/MC, you must first define the network and serial communication settings of the In-Sight sensor.

Note: In EasyBuilder, when the output of a Location or Inspection Tool is invalid, the default value for that tool will be placed in the output data buffer. For example, if a Pattern Location Tool does not find a matching pattern, the X and Y data for that tool will be invalid and default to a value of 0, which would then be output. When configuring your device to send output data, it is recommended that in addition to sending the results of a tool, the tool's Pass/Fail status should also be sent to ensure that the tool's data is valid. To change the default value in the output buffer when a tool result is invalid, send the following In-Sight Native Mode commands: For data, EV SetSystemConfig("FormatOutputBufferErrData",-1111), where "-1111" represents a known error; for output strings, EV SetSystemConfig("FormatOutputBufferErrString","Error"), where "Error" represents the error string.

Supported Protocols

Up to two protocols can be added to a job. When adding two protocols, you can add one "primary" protocol and one "secondary" protocol. For example, after adding the SLMP Scanner protocol (primary), you click the Add Device button again and add the TCP/IP protocol (secondary).

Note: You cannot add two "primary" protocols or two "secondary" protocols to a job.

In-Sight Firmware 4.x.x

  Primary or
Micro 1000 Series 5000 Series
(except 5705 & 5705C)
70xx - 74xx Series
CC-Link Primary X X X
Ethernet Native Primary X X X
Ethernet Native Robot Primary X X X
Ethernet Native String Primary X X X
EtherNet/IP Primary X X X
Modbus TCP Server Primary X X X
POWERLINK Primary     X
Serial Kuka Primary X X X
Serial Motoman Primary X X X
Serial Native Primary X X X
Serial Native Robot Primary X X X
Serial Native String Primary X X X
Serial Text Primary X X X
SLMP Primary X X X
SLMP Scanner Primary X X X
TCP/IP Secondary X X X
UDP Secondary X X X

In-Sight Firmware 5.x.x

  Primary or
2000 Series 5705 & 5705C 7000 Gen2 Series 8000 Series 9000 Series
CC-Link IE Field Basic Primary X X X X X
Ethernet Native Primary   X X X X
Ethernet Native Robot Primary   X X X X
Ethernet Native String Primary   X X X X
EtherNet/IP Primary X X X X X
Modbus TCP Server Primary X X X X X
Serial Kuka Primary   X X X X
Serial Motoman Primary   X X X X
Serial Native Primary X (Basic) X X X X
Serial Native Robot Primary   X X X X
Serial Native String Primary   X X X X
Serial Text Primary X X X X X
SLMP Primary X X X X X
SLMP Scanner Primary X X X X X
TCP/IP Secondary X X X X X
UDP Secondary X X X X X